A Change of Office View

by | Jun 6, 2016 | Blog | 0 comments

remote workWorking remotely while having the flexibility to travel is a reward of being a wahve. Whether you’re a snowbird with a winter home in Florida, spend part of the year visiting family in another state, or have planned a working vacation, here are four tips for traveling wahves.

Communicate. You understand the insurance industry culture and can manage your workload while traveling. You also recognize the importance of communicating with your supervisor and team. To ease the transition before any travel, create a written action plan for projects and tasks. Ask colleagues if they need assistance before you leave, and schedule quick “check-in” calls. Always stay connected.

Understand Ebbs and Flows. As a wahve, you’re aware of insurance industry peak seasons, but every agency, brokerage and carrier handles its clients and workflow differently. Become comfortable with the ebbs and flows of your company, including the “buzz times” when most business occurs. When you plan to travel, consider your office workflow when reviewing expectations with your supervisor.

Set Up Your Mobile Office. When it’s time to pack your bags, “pack” your digital working essentials, too, whether that requires a jump drive, cloud access, gadgets or apps. Secure mobile access to your contacts, calendar, workflows and usual work resources. And to ensure a smooth return, take some time to get your home office in order before you leave.

Once you arrive — at the resort, your winter condo in Florida, or the mother-in-law suite at your children’s home — stake your claim and set up a new office space. Don’t forget to synchronize your mobile office clock with your employer’s.

Rest, Relax, Repeat. Most employers will tell you to disconnect for an official vacation, but if the firm is in the middle of a major fire or project, offer to make yourself accessible. Otherwise, don’t use that smartphone unless you’re filming something fun or snapping a selfie!

Play Your Strength. As a wahve who is well-acquainted with the ins and outs of working remotely, you have valuable advice to share. Why not put together your favorite tips for colleagues who aren’t accustomed to working remotely, but who might be taking working vacations this summer?