What Can WAHVE’s ‘wahves’ Do?

by | Jan 23, 2011 | Blog | 0 comments

wahves-workerThere are two common questions we get asked here at WAHVE from insurance firms who are seeking to outsource jobs and or process work:

  • 1) How does the hiring process work?

WAHVE has a database of over 350 qualified insurance people throughout the U.S. who have retired or are retiring from their firms but would like to work remotely on a full-time or part-time basis from home or on a project or consulting basis.  That is our niche.  We call our people “wahves” and we think of them as “in phased” retirement.  Every candidate goes through a very in-depth qualification process to make sure they have the experience and skills required for the type of work they want to do.

When we get a request from an insurance firm that needs a job filled, we look through our comprehensive database of baby boomer retirees and try to find the people who are the best match in terms of skill sets and experience. We then speak with the candidates to discuss the placement opportunity. Next, WAHVE provides the hiring firm with the candidates’ resumes so they can decide which individuals they would like to interview. The hiring manager then interviews the potential wahve(s) on the telephone and decides which one(s) the firm would like to hire on a contract basis.

  • 2) ‘What can your people do?”

It varies by individual. Every wahve must be an experienced insurance worker in order to be entered into WAHVE’s database. The 350 people in our insurance worker database have worked at independent insurance agencies, wholesale brokerage firms or insurance carriers.

WAHVE’s workers can help with a range of process tasks to support an account manager, customer service representative, underwriter and/or producer. They can help with preparation of applications and submissions, rating/quoting, proposals, policy checking, certificate issuance, loss runs requests, loss runs analysis and claims. WAHVE’s people also can fill positions as a customer service representative, account executive, underwriter, or claims representative at a retail or wholesale agency or even a carrier  The WAHVE database also includes many people who have extraordinary institutional knowledge who can work on a consulting basis – such as loss control, claims adjusting, retrospective ratings, underwriting best practices, OCIPS and the like.  It is amazing to see the talent that has registered on the WAHVE site.  What we have learned is that there is almost nothing that our baby boomer retirees cannot do!

Please contact us if you are looking to fill a position, outsource process work or find an expert for consulting work, click here.

If you want to become a wahve, click here.