A standing desk, a desktop with four monitors, the retro look, and a sit-in recliner/office are all featured in Lifehacker’s “Top Featured Workspaces of 2012.”
These diverse examples show that people can get their work done in a wide variety of places with a wide variety of setups. It seems like the only common denominators are: a computer, somewhere to sit (usually), and a flat surface (but not always). That makes sense, since so much of America’s work these days gets done between the ears, below the scalp and above the chin. Of course, millions still work outdoors, in retail locations, and within planes, trains and automobiles. But the office/knowledge worker is less and less tethered geographically.
Work gets done thanks to remote connections, as my colleague and WAHVE COO Frank Sentner explained how in an American Agent and Broker article last year. But where it gets done gets more and more diverse every year.
Speaking of remote work, I’ve been watching with interest an active discussion about productivity on the LinkedIn Insurance Journal group. It centers around an article headlined “Remote possibilities: The curious case of remote workers who work better than office workers.” What do you think? Several wahves have shared thoughts; please add to the discussion if you’re on LinkedIn.
I find LinkedIn groups help me to find new ideas and get a pulse on others’ thoughts about topics like work, retirement, and productivity. Here are a couple other LinkedIn groups that might be of interest;
1 — Work Reimagined: Make Your Next Act Your Best Yet
2 — And, naturally, the WAHVE group is one of my favorites.
— Sharon Emek, Ph.D.
Founder and CEO