The Mature Mind (Part 3): Older People Flex Their Flexibility

by | Jan 2, 2012 | Blog

The Mature Mind: The Postive Power of the Aging BrainThe Mature Mind: The Positive Power of the Aging Brain is a book by Gene D. Cohen that literally causes one to questions traditionally held beliefs about aging, retirement and working. Cohen makes the case for the value of seasoned workers: “Healthy older brains are often as good as or better than younger brains in a wide variety of tasks.” In his book, Cohen asserts:

  • “The most important difference between older brains and younger brains is also the easiest to overlook: Older brains have learned more than younger brains. Many aspects of life are simply too complicated and subtle to learn quickly, which is why experience counts in so many spheres of life.”
  • “The United States has one of the highest labor force participation rates for persons aged 65 or older in the developed world, surpassed in 1999-2000 only by Japan, Iceland, and Portugal. In other words, the dividing line between ‘career’ and ‘retirement’ is not only moving into higher ages, it is also becoming more blurry, with more people opting for phased retirement options that allow them to work part-time …”
  • “Strikingly, more than half of those I interviewed – women and men alike, up to age 75 – said they would like to work at least part-time if the right job were available.”
  • Cohen’s book shows why vintage experts—those who are closer to the end of their careers than the beginning—can provide significant value to employers. It also confirms the basis of WAHVE’s founding: Vintage experts want to continue working, but using flexible, work-from-home arrangements that allow them to be productive and steer clear of the pitfalls of a daily commute and a 9-to-5 office life. Phased retirement is working for many, thanks to progressive employers and flexible, savvy vintage experts.