The Mature Mind (Part 1): Your Brain Never Retires

by | Nov 17, 2011 | Blog

The Mature Mind: The Positive Power of the Aging BrainYou don’t stop learning, you don’t stop changing and your brain doesn’t stop adapting.

Those are key takeaways from The Mature Mind: The Positive Power of the Aging Brain by Gene D. Cohen.

This groundbreaking book provides much guidance for marketers, employers and family members dealing with those over age 50.

Cohen’s book points out that “with age can come a new feeling of inner freedom, self-confidence, and liberation from social constraints that allows for novel or bold behavior.”

The book opens with a bold quote:

“Your brain never stops developing and changing. It’s been doing it from the time you were an embryo, and will keep on doing it all your life. And this ability, perhaps, represents its greatest strength.” – James Trefil, physicist and author

In future posts, WAHVE’s blog will explore lessons and learnings from Cohen’s book. To put it mildly, Cohen will convince many that you can teach a mature dog a new trick or two.