Rethinking the Workforce

by | Jul 3, 2017 | Blog | 0 comments

According to a new report, work and the workforce as we know it are changing. Shift: The Commission on Work, Workers, and Technology revealed in their recent report that nearly one-fourth of the workforce will be 55 or older by 2024. That’s more than twice the total for that age group in 1994.

Moreover, the report also says older workers are more likely to be in alternative work arrangements – freelance, consulting, and remote work – and in occupations that are predicted to shrink thanks to automation as artificial intelligence takes over and there is less work for people in any number of jobs.

Time to rethink business as usual. And that includes who we perceive to be our best hires. Those could be the retiring and retired demographic.

That’s because older workers have what the millennial crowd has yet to acquire: broad experience and knowledge. The veteran workforce has proven their commitment to their companies and their industry. They understand the needs of the business and are adept at problem-solving.

Another benefit older workers bring to the table: engagement. The Commission report revealed that older workers valued doing what they enjoy over stability. Companies hiring older workers get a level of commitment to the job because the older workers are choosing jobs they want to be engaged in.

For insurance agencies, that’s a scenario that seems unattainable, particularly in an area where the the talent pool is limited. Finding an older worker to supplement the current staff can be challenging – if one is thinking within traditional boundaries, that is.

Going Remote

Engaging the talents of a remote, older worker is a shift many agencies are starting to make. By extending the search beyond local borders, agencies are discovering how easy it becomes to select exactly the skills needed.

Plus, pretiring insurance professionals can augment staff talents beautifully and take on those tasks that tie up current employees’ efforts. One agency hired a customer service rep, which meant the staff was free to work on account management. Another agency hired a remote pretiree to work through the company’s backlog of policy reviews and audits, freeing staff to refocus on marketing.

It’s also easier to employ a pretiree. They require little, if any, training. They understand the job and the complexities of insurance. When hiring a pretiring remote worker, you’re getting a worker who’s there because she wants to be.

At WAHVE, we see that level of dedication, and it’s inspiring. Our wahve workers come to us eager to work and committed to giving their best for our client companies. Agencies can tap into a knowledge and expertise that might otherwise be tough to find.

As the traditional workforce continues to move toward older, remote workers, agencies looking to enhance their current staff can do so affordably by engaging a remote, pretiree worker. Hiring a wahve can be both a relief and a reward.