In a recent New York Times interview, the CEO of a corporate network security company asserted that simply being a company comprised of smart, capable people is no guarantor of success, but rather that a culture of trust is the cornerstone of a successful business enterprise. Any company that is comprised of remote working employees, knows this well, because it’s imperative to place a high premium on trust. Remote workers like wahves prove their capability and fervor, and know they are initiated into a culture of trust, mutual understanding, and commitment. Such a centrality of trust to corporate culture’s cohesiveness and efficacy is exactly what the interviewee articulates when he aptly describes the pitfalls avoided by making trust foundational in your workplace:
“I’m obsessive about the culture that we create specifically around trust, and this is an adjustment for some people when they come here. If you join our team, there’s trust by default here. That means you trust in the competence of your teammates. You trust in their intentions and what they’re saying.
At some companies, the culture is that trust is earned over time, but that means if everyone in the organization says you have to earn trust, the amount of energy that actually goes into the trust-earning process is a distraction from our mission.”
How well said – “the amount of energy that actually goes into the trust-earning process is a distraction.” To avoid such distractions (and detractions) from professionals’ time and energy, we believe practices that objectively identify suitability and capability are essential. Consider processes like blind hiring which eliminate implicit bias, and skills testing that objectively identify capacity as well as suitability to the nature of our work. Such tools enable remote employers to bring on teammates with a foundation of trust in their ability and place on their team. While some companies may still debate how they can trust that remote working promotes efficiency and minimizes distractibility, particularly for jobs that are predominantly client-facing, we obviously trust entirely in this vision for work. We’ve seen its efficacy as a business model, and in the capability of our wahves to serve the insurance industry with unprecedented experience, skill, and commitment from remote working locations and with flexible hours.
Trust is anything but a sentiment. It’s a bedrock of functionality and efficacy in an organization, and its place as such is substantiated as Wahve approaches its eight-year anniversary amidst a season of steady success, growth and exciting developments. Our culture of trust is indeed a herald of WAHVE’s success, and we can say with confidence, it’s here to stay.