Keeping the Dream Alive – Lessons from David Bowie

by | Mar 31, 2016 | Blog | 0 comments

I guess what I really wanted to do more than anything else was write musicals. But because I liked rock music, I kind of moved into that sphere, somehow thinking that somewhere along the line I’d be able to put the two together. – David Bowie

davidbowieWe all had childhood dreams. Often those dreams started with something magical and unreal – a make-believe character – like superman or cat woman. As we developed broader worldviews and intellectual understandings of reality, we changed those dreams to fit something a bit more realistic, like a fireman or a racecar driver. (Though truth be told, a very small portion of society actually becomes a fireman or a racecar driver.)

As we get older, life can have a squelching effect on our dream making. The practical can so often get in the way – paying bills and raising a family. Try as we may, often we find ourselves very far away from those early dreams, distanced from that idealistic kid who wanted to rescue people from burning buildings.

Yet all of us have the opportunity, regardless of our age or stage in life, to infuse glimmers of dreams and incorporate bits of fantasy into our lives. David Bowie enjoyed musicals and rock so he created his own powerful genre, his own character on a rock stage.

We can learn a lot from David Bowie’s quirky tenacity. He didn’t want to give up on his dreams so he invented a way to have it all!

What was your childhood dream? Have you found a way to incorporate that dream into your adult life or are you still searching for a way to live the dream?

There is always a way to combine the fantasy with the practical. All it takes is a little creativity and intentional thoughtfulness. And hey, you can always volunteer at a fire station or frequent your local arcade for some racecar driving simulation. There is always a way to keep your dream alive!