Insurance Designations: Key to Learning and Growth

by | Jul 30, 2013 | Blog | 0 comments

Educational designations are key for the professionalism of the insurance industry.

The famous CPCU (Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter) designation (which is conferred by The Institutes, a key industry organization)  requires passing eight exams on topics ranging from insurance accounting to risk management. During my career, I’ve seen many peers around the industry take on the challenge of “passing the CPCU” while also holding down a job, raising a family, and participating in industry and charitable efforts. CPCU is a well-earned designation. Once they pass, they join the CPCU Society.


CPCUs typically are subject matter experts. But it’s not just technical knowledge they gain via courses leading up to the exams. CPCUs must promise to abide by a code of professional ethics, placing clients’ needs before their own. CPCU designees are “credentialed risk management and property-casualty insurance professionals who promote excellence through ethical behavior and continuing education,” according to the CPCU Society.

I see the CPCU designation as important as ever, especially in light of the fact that so many carrier-run training programs have long since been disbanded. There’s an incredible thirst – and tremendous need – in our business not only for knowledge but for the ability to learn and grow with change.

What organization(s) or designation(s) do you see as important and relevant to the sector of the insurance industry you work in?

Sharon Emek, Ph.D.
Founder and CEO
Work At Home Vintage Experts (WAHVE)