Hoffman, Pitt, Diaz, Bieber: Icons of Four Generations

by | Jan 21, 2013 | Blog


Demographics is interesting but the statistical element can get a bit dull. Looking for data recently, I recently stumbled on an article that aligns the four main U.S. economic demographic groups with four famous popular cultural icons:

— Dustin Hoffman, age 75 and is part of the “Silent Generation” (born 1925-45) that is now 67-87 years old.

— Brad Pitt, age 48 is part of the “Baby Boomer” generation (born 1946-64) that is now 48-66 years old.

— Cameron Diaz, age 40, is part of “Generation X” (born 1964-80) that is now 32-48 years old.

— Justin Bieber, age 18, is part of “Generation Y” (born 1980-98) that is now 14-32 years old.

The boomers often get the most attention, and for good reason: They possess 70 percent of the wealth, buy the most cars, and own the most homes.

While these cultural icons are all well known, I’d have to say that only Dustin Hoffman is among my favorites – although I favor Judi Dench for, among other things, her role in the 2012 movie “Skyfall” and “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel,” which I recently wrote about in Leader’s Edge magazine.

Which cultural icon of your generation do you admire?

— Sharon Emek, Ph.D.
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