Fitness WAHVE: Remote Workers on the Move

by | Sep 5, 2016 | Blog | 0 comments


As you know,  working from home comes with freedom to shift your exercise, like walking or strength training, to whenever it fits best in your daily schedule. But, of course, some days are tougher than others to get moving. There are subtle, manageable ways to keep sharp mentally and physically.

Step away from the desk chair! Alternative desks, like treadmill or standing, are becoming more popular among remote workers. Sharon Emek, Ph.D., C.I.C., president & CEO of WAHVE, says it’s made a huge difference in her day-to-day work schedule: “Our industry’s work keeps us sedentary, at a desk and computer all day. Changing from a sitting desk to a treadmill desk not only saves my back, neck and posture, but I get to do my 10,000 steps each day.

“Much of the day I stand and work at my desk, but I intersperse a few hours a day with the treadmill on at 1.5 to 2.0 miles/hour. The desk treadmill max MPH is 3.0, so you can never go fast and get hurt,” Sharon explains. “It is an inexpensive way to help you stay healthy while working.”

What’s the investment? “The treadmill and desk each cost about $700. It is a one-time investment,” Sharon says, “but as we vintage folks know, alleviating back pain and walking helps us live a more productive, happier and longer life.”

Want to keep moving, but need a reminder? No surprise, there’s an app for that! Many, actually. These applications can be downloaded to your smartphone, desktop computer, tablet, or other device.

Stand Up! is a free work-break timer that you can set at any increment between five minutes and two hours, to remind you to take a break from sitting at your desk. Ergonomics is a 99-cent option that offers a variety of workplace-specific stretching exercises, depending on your daily activity level.

Wearable technology opens up many possibilities for remote workers to stay healthy during workdays. Consider measuring your daily success with tools like a Fitbit or a NikeFuel band. You can track your steps, calories, total mileage, and even your heart rate.

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Rick Morgan, senior vice president of marketing of WAHVE, takes advantage of the preloaded health options on his device: “When working at home, I sometimes find myself sitting in front of my computer for hours at a time,” he said. “My Apple watch reminds me to MOVE.”

Of course, a classic option for improved concentration and a refreshed attitude is taking a brisk, five-minute walk outside. If you’re working from home and your neighborhood is walkable, get your blue tooth device and take that call while you’re getting some vitamin D!

We would love to know, wahve: What are your go-to exercises for staying vibrant and healthy during the workday?  Let’s share some “fitspiration” with the WAHVE community!