A.M. Best TV: Restless Insurance Workers Reinventing Retirement

by | Nov 24, 2013 | Blog | 0 comments

A WAHVE client and the wahve who works for his agency were featured in a recent video report on A.M. Best TV, produced by the insurance rating agency and news service.

The video feature looked at how a remote worker gets the job done for a New York City independent agency.

Working remotely is the next best thing to working in an agency – maybe better in some ways, noted Francine Demato, the WAHVE professional in the video.

“I have a laptop and a monitor, where I do everything. I speak to the customers…. They have a direct line to me. I do quoting. I do endorsements. I do whatever the customer service needs to do on a policy,“ said Demato, who applies her extensive insurance agency experience from the office in her home.


Lloyd Sabatelli of Marchetti & Sabatelli, an independent agency located in Brooklyn, N.Y., noted in the video: “Right out of the chute I had an employee that knew my markets, knows how to work the systems to communicate with the different carriers, and has a knowledge of insurance to communicate with clients. I tried. You can’t find talent today that can do that, unless you have the years of experience. And she has that.”

For all of us at WAHVE, it was exciting to see our client Lloyd and our wahve Francine featured by prestigious A.M. Best Co. But what is really exciting is knowing that this same type of positive story is playing out for dozens and dozens of other clients and wahves.

Take a look at the video for a glimpse at how WAHVE works for everybody.

— Sharon Emek, Ph.D.
Founder and CEO
Work At Home Vintage Experts (WAHVE)