Can Remote Work Fill the Talent Shortage?

by | Apr 11, 2019 | Blog | 0 comments

A new report from job-search website Glassdoor includes five predictions about the future of work—specifically, about future disruptions to work—in 2019 and beyond. One of the key findings pointed to a present and growing labor shortage: There are more than 7 million job openings in the United States and not enough workers to fill them, with the unemployment rate reaching its lowest point since 1969 (as low as 2 percent in some major cities). “This is likely more than just a fair weather blip,” the report warns. “One of the biggest trends we see coming in 2019 and beyond is a wave of demographic slowing in America that could mean tight labor markets will become the ‘new normal’ for decades to come.”

One of the major factors in this “demographic slowing” is the retirement of Baby Boomers, of course. As the report notes, for the first time in U.S. history, there will likely be more retirees than children under the age of 18 by 2035. Think about it: 2035 is just 16 years from now!

It seems like a no-brainer that to help fill critical roles, employers will turn to remote workers. Not only does this expand the talent pool, but remote arrangements typically provide the kind of flexibility that older workers crave. That means that not only can employers recruit the talent they need and continue to benefit from the knowledge and skill of subject matter experts, but those senior workers can continue to participate in the workforce if they choose to do so—a win-win all around. As an HRDive article put it: “Employers will need to overcome their fear of change and move beyond traditional workforce sources. Employees with disabilities, older employees and employees that require more flexibility around their commitments at home all may be able to offer something to a company in need of talent.”

We know the WAHVE model—which pairs high-quality, work-from-home ‘pretirees’ with employers looking for help—can fill that talent gap. And as we move into the future, WAHVE is helping reshape the entire staffing and retirement conversation, ultimately redefining the workplace of tomorrow.